When I first tip-toed nervously into the world of lacto-fermented foods, I started with the classic sauerkraut. It was definitely intimidating for a newbie and a little nerve-wracking to leave it out on the counter for days and even weeks. But I got the hang of it … see my step-by-step recipe here … and then became a little more bold with my delicious kimchi.
Funny that it was much later when I discovered the ease of lacto-fermenting simple root veggies such as radishes! This recipe has become a favorite and it’s OH-SO-EASY! Grab a bunch of organic radishes from your farmers market or health food store and hop to it.

SECOND: Slice radishes in somewhat equal-sized pieces. Note in the top right corner that I also had a couple of cloves of garlic to add to this batch. If you add garlic, slice it also. Consider some other add-ins such 1/8 teaspoon of “seasoning seeds” like caraway, dill, or mustard.

THIRD: Mix up a brine of 3 tablespoons unrefined salt (I’ve had great success with this brand) and 4 cups filtered water. I combine the salt and water in a large Mason jar then seal and shake the jar to dissolve salt. Store any unused brine for your next fermenting project.
FOURTH: Pack the jar snugly, but not too tightly, with radishes & seasonings but be sure to leave 1-inch headspace below rim. Add brine to just cover the radishes. You may want to use fermenting weights to keep the veggies under the brine. Seal the jar and keep at room temperature, out of direct light, for 3 days. Move to cold storage (fridge, cellar, or cold basement) to enjoy over the coming months.

Compare the top photo of the fermented radishes with the above picture which was taken just after I filled the jars. Notice how the fermented radishes and the brine in the top photo changed color after fermenting? The red radish skins permeate throughout …. beautiful!
Check the radishes for any possible mold that may appear. If any develops, you can spoon it off and discard. If the mold returns the next day, I recommend discarding that entire batch, sterilizing your jars well, and starting over.
Enjoy this tangy, healthy addition to your meals in condiment-size portions.