Dry Brushing – Four Beautiful Benefits
What could be better?? A wellness practice that gives you glowing skin, improved health, and takes just a few of minutes of your time each morning. Let me introduce you to dry brushing!
Dry brushing is the process of brushing your skin in a particular pattern with a natural (not synthetic) dry brush. It’s an ancient practice that supports the lymphatic system and stimulates the release of toxins.
Our skin is the body’s largest organ, and it plays a major role in eliminating waste. In a day alone, we eliminate lots of waste through our skin. {Wow! Try not to think about that too much, right?!} The lymphatic system is the body’s powerhouse that says ‘see ya later toxins’ and makes our cells happy. An optimal lymphatic system is achieved through exercise, eating whole foods, and drinking plenty of water. To support your lymphatic system and boost toxin elimination, add dry brushing to your routine!

In addition to an improved lymph system, dry brushing will:
Exfoliate dead skin and unclog pores.
Keep your skin supple, soft, and glowing year 'round.
Increase blood circulation which revitalizes and tones the skin, and may also be linked to improved energy levels.
Reduce the appearance of cellulite. Yes, you read that right! Cellulite occurs when toxins accumulate in the body’s fat cells and get trapped. Dry brushing can help break down these toxins and promote elimination. Just remember that cellulite is normal, and has zero impact on how wonderful each body is.
Dry brushing can be done daily, ideally before a shower or prior to exercise or a sauna session. You’ll want to use a firm, natural fiber, long handled brush… The handle just helps you reach your back and legs. This one is my favorite. When dry brushing, be sure to move in gentle strokes, being careful not to press too hard. If it’s your first time dry brushing, expect your skin to be a little pink afterwards. Don’t worry, that’s totally normal. Lighten your touch going forward.
If you’re ready to give dry brushing a try, follow these easy steps. Be prepared for vibrant, supple skin and improved lymph function!
Stand in a bathtub or shower so that the dead skin is easily washed away.
EDIT February 2021: Begin "priming the lymph" by lightly pressing both sides of your neck just above the collarbones with your middle & ring fingers 5-10 times. These areas are considered the endpoints for your lymph system. Kelly Kennedy says to think of these areas as the "toll booth" for your lymph system. If "traffic" is clogged there, the whole system is clogged. So we want to get that area opened up and moving first.
Then begin using the dry brush around that area, starting with your left arm, make short, light brushstrokes from the shoulder area toward the heart, working on one side at a time.
Then move a little bit down and sweep the brush from the upper arm to the shoulder to the heart.
Move further down the arm ... brushing lightly from the forearm and up again to shoulder to the heart.
Finish that arm by lightly brushing up from the hand to shoulder and to the heart. Keep your strokes short and keeping them gentle. You can brush the top of your arm and the underside including armpits.
Repeat the process on the right arm.
Now move to abdomen area... Remembering the "blocked toll booth" analogy and the concept of moving the closest cars through the path first, place brush just below breast line and brush gently toward heart 3-4 times. Avoid tender breast tissue.
Continue a little lower on the abdomen and stroke toward the heart.
Stroke across the liver area (right side under rib cage) toward the heart.
Stroke lower on the abdomen, always up toward the heart.
Stroke along the front of your hip area, including near groin area.
Now for the legs: Similar to how you worked your way down the arm, start at the top of one leg and stroke upward.
Then move further down the leg and stroke upward.
Continue to foot, keeping short and gentle strokes toward heart.
Repeat on the other leg.
AND you're done!
Remember to clean your brush with soap and water once a week. Let us air dry in a ventilated area.
I challenge you to try brushing once a day for 30 days!! Once you get the hang of it, the process should only take about 5 minutes. You’ll have skin that looks like the result of a spa day splurge, and an improved lymphatic system all rolled into one. What could be better?
EXCLUSIVE TIP for healthy looking skin: Moisturize afterward with a lovely carrier oil or non-toxic unscented lotion combined with one or more of these essential oils known for their rejuvenating properties: Lavender, Geranium, Sandalwood, Frankincense. You can get the certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils through your own doTERRA wholesale account through me HERE.