Moms! We’ve got ya covered! Drop in Thursday morning, March 16, and learn about putting together your own custom “essential oil survival kit” to handle everyday family emergencies such as …
ouchy-owies, terrible-twos-tantrums, tummy trouble
can’t sleep, can’t focus, can’t stand the sight of [fill in the blank]
this-hurts-that-hurts, monthly hormone mayhem, and all.the.moodiness
Kristin Briggs, massage therapist, will be here to offer free neck and shoulder massages.
And there will be healthy treats, too!
Thursday, March 16 10:00 am – 12:00 noon At my South Charlotte home (address provided upon registration)
Each attendee will receive a custom sample set of essential oils!
Those who choose to get started with an doTERRA Essential Oil wholesale membership option will receive an additional gift from me.