My Top 10 Essential Oils
Having been introduced to the power of doTERRA essential oils in early 2014, my collection has grown far beyond the oils listed here. But these remain my “top 10” and I never leave home without them!
Lemon – Clean & Freshen
Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces.
Naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.*
Supports healthy respiratory function.*
Diffuse to promote a positive mood.
Take internally to assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort.*
Add Lemon oil to a spray bottle of water to clean tables, counter tops, and other surfaces.
Lemon oil makes a great furniture polish; simply add a drop to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes.
Put on rag to help remove stubborn, sticky residue off surfaces.
Wash hands with Lemon oil to remove grease after changing your oil.
Lavender – All Things Calming
Widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities.
Soothes occasional skin irritations.
Reduces appearance of skin imperfections.
Helps to ease feelings of tension.*
Take internally to reduce anxious feelings.*
Take internally for a peaceful sleep.*
Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet for a restful night’s sleep.
Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air with a light mist of Lavender combined with water in a spray bottle.
Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck.
Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.
Peppermint – Cool & Invigorating
Rub on temples after you wake up for a morning energy boost.
Diffuse when feeling fatigued or low on energy.
Take one to two drops in a Veggie Capsule to alleviate occasional stomach upset.*
Promotes digestive health.*
Swish a drop in your mouth to help freshen breath.
Blends well with Lavender for a soothing massage blend.
Add to cold water compress or foot bath to cool off when overheated.
Add a drop to your favorite smoothie recipe for a refreshing twist.
Place one drop in palm of hand with one drop Wild Orange and one drop Frankincense then inhale for a mid-day pick-me-up.
Helps reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion.*
Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.*
Commonly found in oral health products.
Promotes feelings of clear airways and easy breathing when diffused.
Inhale for a non-stimulant, invigorating pick-me up on long drives.
Add to shampoo or conditioner for a stimulating hair massage.
Repels bugs naturally. Spritz around windows and doors.
Diffuse during study-time.
Apply topically to relieve feelings of tension.
Frankincense – I call this “the king of the oils”
Take one to two drops in a Veggie capsule to support healthy cellular function.*
Add to moisturizer to reduce the appearance of blemishes and to rejuvenate the skin.
When traveling somewhere dry, apply Frankincense to maintain healthy looking fingernails.
Apply to the bottom of your feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
After a day of outdoor activity, massage Frankincense into hands and feet for a warming and soothing effect.
Diffuse during your yoga practice to focus your intention for the day.
When in doubt, use Frankincense!
Melaleuca – Beneficial for the Skin
Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.
Promotes healthy immune function.*
Protects against environmental and seasonal threats.*
Apply to skin after shaving.
For occasional skin irritations, apply one to two drops of Melaleuca essential oil onto affected area.
Add one to two drops to water, citrus drinks, or veggie caps to support healthy immune system function.*
Combine one to two drops with your facial cleanser or moisturizer for added cleansing properties.
Apply to fingernails and toenails after showering to purify and keep nails looking healthy.
Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces to protect against environmental threats.
Create your own aftershave with Melalueca and Cedarwood.
Apply to the bottom of feet and inside shoes for a refresher.
Add to water alone, or along with Peppermint and Lemon essential oil, for a refreshing mouth rinse and breath freshener.
Oregano – Natural Immune Support
Oregano offers powerful antioxidants.*
Supports healthy digestion.*
Supports healthy respiratory function.*
May help to support a healthy immune system.*
Used as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent.
Place one to two drops drops in veggie capsule for occasional use to help maintain a healthy immune system.*
Add 10 drops to a spray bottle full of water for a counter spray.
Add one drop in place of one tablespoon ground oregano to your favorite Italian dishes.
Breathe respiratory blend – Respiratory Support
Maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing.
Helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats.
Diffuse or inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest when environmental threats are high.
Supports overall respiratory health.
Calms the senses.
Supports mental clarity and function.
Use when outdoors to minimize the effects of seasonal changes.
Diffuse at bedtime to promote a restful night’s sleep.
When loud noises are keeping you up at night, diffuse. for a calming effect that promotes a restful night’s sleep.
Deep Blue soothing blend – Muscle & Joint Support
Apply on feet and knees before and after exercise.
Perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of work.
Apply to hands and feet after gardening.
Rub Deep Blue on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting at work or during a move.
Massage Deep Blue with a few drops of carrier oil onto growing kids’ legs before bedtime.
After long hours on the computer, rub Deep Blue on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck.
A few drops of Deep Blue can be a part of a cooling and comforting massage after a workout.
DigestZen digestive blend – Digestive Support
Helps reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion
Eases feelings of queasiness.
Before a road trip, apply one to two drops for a calming aroma.
Have DigestZen on hand when enjoying heavy holiday meals to promote digestion.
When traveling or trying new foods, take DigestZen to soothe occasional stomach discomfort.
Add to water or tea to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
Use with fractionated coconut oil to soothe occasional abdominal discomfort.
On Guard protective blend – Natural Defense
With its unique aroma, On Guard offers a fragrant, natural, way to clean.
Supports healthy immune function.*
Protects against environmental threats.
Diffuse in your home or office during fall and winter months.
Add to water for an effect all-purpose cleaner for surfaces.
Supports healthy respiratory function.
On Guard is an effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support.
Diffuse for cleansing the air.
Add two to three drops in a veggie capsule for quick immune support.
Supports the body’s natural antioxidant defenses.
Rub on bottom of kid’s feet during school season or summer camp.
Diffuse in home before company arrives to help cleanse the air.
Diffuse in class setting for an uplifting scent.
Want these Top 10 Essential Oils? They are packaged in two different kits from doTERRA!
The Family Physician Kit includes 5 mL bottles of all 10 essential oils plus handy beadlets of Peppermint & On Guard.
The Home Essentials Kit includes 15 mL bottles of all 10 essential oils (except the Deep Blue is 5 mL) and also includes the fabulous Petal diffuser that runs 1, 2 or 4 hours.
1. “Friends don’t let friends pay retail” but it is an option. Not recommended but here’s the link.
2. Wholesale is BETTER! Wholesale is the best way to get your essential oils! Even if you’re just curious to try essential oils, a wholesale account includes the most savings and convenience and does not obligate you to any additional orders. A $35 membership fee gets you 25% off retail prices. But note that the membership is already included if you select the Family Physician Kit, Home Essentials Kit, or any other enrollment kit.
See some of the benefits of a doTERRA wholesale membership:
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