Fresh figs take me STRAIGHT back to my childhood in the lowcountry of South Carolina. Our mini-homestead included pear trees, grapevines, chickens, ducks, a ginormous garden, and two beautiful fig trees.
Each summer, as the figs began to ripen, my dad would fight to keep the birds from consuming the fruit and, later, my mom would do her part: turning the bounty into delicious fig preserves. We enjoyed those sweet fresh figs during the harvest and then relished the fig preserves as the weather turned colder.
Now, many years later, I have a small fig tree in my suburban yard and I treasure each fig that I pluck from those branches. Not enough for canning preserves … but maybe one day!
With fig season in full swing, here are some ideas for enjoying them fresh off the tree. Or fresh from the farmers market.

So easy and so delicious. Slice each fresh fig in half lengthwise and top with a teaspoon of blue cheese, gorgonzola, etc. along with a couple of pistachio nuts. Sprinkle with droplets of honey & balsamic vinegar then serve at room temperature.
Well, it’s bacon so of course it’s a good idea! Cut slices of bacon, from healthy pastured pigs, in half lengthwise then use each half to wrap figs, placing them on a baking dish with the ends tucked under. Broil, turning as needed, until bacon is browned and crisp. Serve warm.
Prepare a whole chicken for roasting then tuck a few fresh figs in the cavity and toss a few more around the roasting pan. Serve the browned figs with your poultry and enjoy the caramelized sweetness.
Assemble a salad with fresh baby spinach, fennel, pickled beetroot, and slices of boiled eggs. Top with figs, quartered, plus olive oil, honey and Celtic sea salt.
Balsamic Fig Jam from The Paleo Mama. Savory Sweet Onion & Fig Relish from Italian Food Forever. Dehydrated Figs from Urban Farm Girl
Link-love share at Homegrown and Healthy, A Southern Fairytale, Real Food Forager, Healthy Roots Happy Soul, Kelly the Kitchen Kop, The Tasty Alternative, Gluten Free Homemaker, Holistic Squid, Whole New Mom, Frugally Sustainable, Whole Lifestyle Nutrition, Thank Your Body, Natural Family Today and Make Ahead Meals For Busy Moms.